Friday, August 5, 2011

Why I Smile....

 I'm known for being the chick that is ALWAYS smiling. And when I say smiling, I mean cheesing from ear to ear for no apparent reason. Honestly, I have heard so many times how goofy I am, how I bring so much joy to the room, how my aura is so full of life and energy. So it surprises me when people ask me why I smile so much, why am I so HAPPY? I mean, would you rather me walk around and be a bitter black woman? Isn't that the black women stereotype anyways? That we are all angry, mean, bitter, and want to see everyone around us, especially our men, miserable?? First off, I REFUSE to misrepresent black women that way. I know that we are STRONG, INDEPENDENT, NO NONSENSE type of women but we are also nurturing, instinctive, & complicated.

However, none of this is really about color. My happiness has nothing to do with my race. I have joy on the inside and it shows on the outside. Some may say I'm being's always a possibility, but I wouldn't put money on that if I were you. I enjoy the simple things in life. Here are some of the reasons why I smile. (This list could be a mile long so I'll keep it short!)

I smile because I am love
I smile because people love me
I smile because the birds sing in perfect harmony and never seem to miss a beat
I smile because I have hope that it will be contagious
I smile because I love to see other people smiling
I smile because there are ppl out there who feel they have nothing to smile about & I want to prove them wrong
I smile because God gave me lips, what else am I supposed to do?
I smile because I'm blessed and highly favored
I smile because it's the universal language
I smile because I make a difference in peoples' lives
I smile when things go wrong and when things go right

No matter what the occasion, 90% of the time you're going to see me smiling. It's hard for me sometimes to put on my serious face but of course I have one!! I don't want to be unhappy, I want to live as thought there is truly nothing but pure joy in my heart. So when you see me smiling, instead of asking why are you smiling, ask "how can I feel the joy you feel?"

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